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来源:响石潭 日期:2009-12-07 08:27:37 标签:英语六级
  1、 有毅力就容易成功。
  2、 毅力使人成功的原因是什么。
  3、 毅力是必需的特质。
  Of all the advantageous characteristics to have, I think that perseverance plays the greatest role in one's success. Other characteristics, such as intelligence, confidence, and honesty, are no doubt important, but they do not necessarily guarantee success. Perseverance offers no guarantees either, but I believe that this trait offers one more opportunity to succeed.
  There are several reasons why perseverance often leads to success. First of all, a man who has perseverance does not give up after a failure. He tries again and can, therefore, learn from his mistakes. Second, a persistent person is usually a hard worker, and hard work is an important ingredient in success. Last, with perseverance comes a certain amount of confidence - the confidence that one will eventually succeed.
  For all of these reasons, I believe that perseverance is the most important characteristic to have. It is easily combined with other traits such as diligence and confidence to increase the chances of success. However, without perseverance, one's success may be more dependent on luck than anything else.


  1、 有人喜欢听取别人的建议而学习。
  2、 有人喜欢通过亲身体验而学习。
  3、 我的选择。
Learning about Life
  As we grow, we learn many things about life. Some of these lessons are easy and some are difficult. Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while others believe that it is better to learn through personal experience.
  In the first case, learning by listening to others, we have the benefit of learning from others' mistakes and are thus being able to avoid them ourselves. Our friends and family will help us make better decisions and avoid costly errors. Furthermore, the people who know us well can advise us effectively because they understand our strengths and weaknesses. At the same time, they are sometimes able to see situations more objectively than we are.
  In the second case, learning through doing, we have the advantage of gaining meaningful experience. We will no doubt better remember the lessons we learn when we enjoy the rewards or suffer the consequences ourselves. Moreover, we can often develop other skills through personal experience and can learn from our mistakes.
  Given a choice between these two ways of learning about life, I would still choose the former. This is because I believe I should take advantage of all the resources available, and the experiences of my family and friends are a valuable resource. For example, if I were preparing to take my first trip abroad on my own, the advice of others who have already experienced such a trip could only help me. Just as we can learn from history, we can learn from the past actions of those close to us.


  1、 有人认为仓促决定一定出错,有的人并不这样认为。
  2、 我的看法并说出原因。
Quick Decisions
  Everyone must make many decisions every day of his life. They range from the trivial - tea or coffee for breakfast - to issues of life-changing importance, such as who to marry. Some people make decisions quickly, while others take as much time as possible to consider all their options. They tend to think that quick decisions are always wrong, but I disagree with this opinion.
  As a matter of fact, quick decisions are sometimes the best ones. When faced with a difficult choice, it is often our first instinct that is the best. This is why people are sometimes told to "go with your gut". Moreover, when we think too long about a decision we may become confused. And if we worry too much we may become so anxious that we are unable to make any decision at all. Last but not least, some decisions are simply too trivial to spend any time worrying about. When the consequences of making the "wrong" decision are slight, whether our decision is right or wrong is irrelevant.
  For all of these reasons, I cannot agree with the statement that quick decisions are always wrong. Long consideration does not guarantee that the choice we make will be the right one, and sometimes too much deliberation can even lead us astray. Therefore, I believe it is all right to make a quick decision now and then, for it cannot always be wrong.

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