响石潭 发布于2009-06-22 20:57:09 活着 阅读 1503 评论 3 字数 1012 #五味百科 #学生时代
医学生誓言 健康所系、性命相托。
当我步入神圣医学学府的时刻,谨庄严宣誓: 我志愿献身医学,热爱祖国,忠于人民,恪守医德,尊师守纪,刻苦钻研,孜孜不倦,精益求精,全面发展。
THE OATH OF A MEDICAL STUDENT Health related, life entrusted. The moment I step into the hallowed medical institution,I pledge solemnly.
I will volunteer myself to medicine with love for my motherland and loyalty to the people.
I will scrupulously abide by the medical ethics ,respect my teachers and discipline myself.
I will strive diligently for the perfection of technology and for all-round development of myself. I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man' s suffering, enhance man' s health conditions and uphold the chasteness and honor of medicine.
I will heal the wounded and rescue the dying ,regardless of the hardships.
I will always be in earnest pursuit of better achievement . I will work all my life for the development of the nation' s medical enterprise as well as menkind' s physical and mental health.